Sunday 4 June 2023

Owen is Cool 4

 Hi fans of the blog!

Short update is that I went to Uni and now finished it. It was fun.

If you see this type a nice comment 🫶

Owen is still cool and Emma is almost there…


Monday 25 January 2010

A post that is about Gogos

Today I have to movies of what fun I have with gogos and what you can do with them. my first movie is a big boxing tournament and the second one is a big battle. who will win the heroes of the enemy? Sorry I had my hands in the video.(It was the only thing I could other wise it would be to much work.)


It looks like the red gogo won!


The winner was the crowd!

Monday 4 January 2010

The Late Postman

Tomorrow is back to school and I just wanted to say I don't like school that much. Uh, I got New Super Mario Bros Wii today and I'm already on world 5. Uh, when we were leaving we saw this postman and my mom just told him which part of the flat we were on and we got it from him just before we got in the car. If we had stayed back at the house we wouldn't have had to do errands first.

Friday 1 January 2010


this small post was just to tell you that my dad remembered what my password was and I can start posting again. I also finished a post 5 minutes ago( if you saw it this won't matter that much.) This is a small post.

An Icy Day--"I'm Back"!!!

I just got to Scotland yesterday and today it is super duper icy this is a few little videos and pictures of how icy it was.

Tuesday 16 December 2008

lakeside bible camp

it is so fun to be at lakeside bible camp beacause there are boats and slides best of all is a trampoline that floats on the water! We liked chapel the best cos we do games and other fun things. At lakeside bible camp we did a fun slide thing.

Saturday 26 January 2008

Happy Owen

Owen is very happy and a good smiler. He is very happy because he got a in the night garden toy it is his best toy he had never had a toy like his in the night garden toy.